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Biography (プロフィール)

篠塚ゆき (Yuki Shinozuka) 

-Jazz singer song writer-







高校時代から、音楽活動を始め、HIPHOP ,R&B, REGGAE, JAZZ、オリジナル等。様々な音楽で、今までに国内外、数百のステージを経験する。


異名でのシンガーソングライターとしての活動に、いったん終止符を打ち、英語の歌を歌う機会が増え、英語を習得する為に2007年に渡濠。オーストラリア、シドニーで1年を過ごす。働きながら英語を学び、そのシドニーで恩師、YUKI KUMAGAI ( Jazz Singer ) に出会い、師と師の旦那である John Mackie 氏 (Double bass ) の双方から指導教育を受け、ジャズシンガーとして、恩師のバンドと共にシドニーで数々のステージに出演する。




2013年3月に、もう一度本気で音楽活動を再開することを決意し、4月CPC Records と契約。今までの彼女の東京での音楽活動を支えていた人物、彼女が一番信頼を置いているという音楽家、野島健太郎氏に協力を求める。彼の監修、協力のもと、若く才能溢れるミュージシャン達と共に、契約からわずか3か月程でレコーディングやMIXまでを終え2013年の秋、CPC Recoeds から『篠塚ゆき』として全国デビュー!


2013年11月6日 CD全国発売!新たなスタートを切った。音楽活動はもちろん、作詞家、ライター、コラムニスト等、多方面に渡り精力的に活動を行う。




2020年4月より配信アプリBIGOLIVE配信開始!公式ライバーとして配信中。日本人では数少ない国際チャンネルのレギュラーメンバーとしても活躍。2022年10月XrossAngels Recordsから待望の新曲”Trap”を配信発売し、iTunes USのJ-POPトップソング27位にチャートインを記録する。現在も配信や東京都内を中心に精力的に音楽活動中。





Yuki Shinozuka
—Jazz singer song writer—

“Small Japanese Etta James!”
It’s unimaginable that such a powerful voice, which overflows with music and words, is emanating from a 144cm tall woman. Yuki’s voice will appeal not only to jazz lov...ers, but also to listeners of R&B, funk, soul and fusion.

DOB: June 1st / Birthplace: Niigata, Japan. Currently living in Tokyo.
Blood type: AB / Zodiac sign: Gemini
Yuki started learning classical piano at age 6. During her teenage years, she saw the movie “Sister Act 2” and became a big fan of Lauryn Hill. Yuki became obsessed with African American music; which Yuki calls the root of her music.

When she was a teenager, Yuki actively started her career as a singer. She performed on hundreds of stages, singing Hip-Hop, R&B, reggae, Jazz and her original music, both inside and outside of Japan.

In 2007, Yuki started a new era of her career as a singer-songwriter. She earned more opportunities to sing songs in English, so she decides to move to Sydney, Australia to study English for one year. There, she met YUKI KUMAGAI (Jazz Singer) and her husband John Mackie (Double bass), the artists became a great inspiration to Yuki as a jazz singer. Yuki joined their band and made appearances on their stage in Sydney.

When she moved back to Japan, Yuki decided to live in Tokyo.

In Tokyo, Yuki occasionally sang for jazz and reggae bands, but her music activity slowed down and she was becalmed for 2 years.

In March 2013, Yuki made up her mind to start her music career again, and landed a contract from CPC Records in April. Yuki asked for help from Kentaro Nojima, a musician, who supported Yuki in Tokyo, a person whom Yuki trusts the most. With his help and supervision, Yuki finished her recording and mixing in only 3 months. Along with other young and talented musicians from CPC records, and Yuki Shinozuka’s major debut album was coming out  fall 2013 from CPC Records.

Yuki’s  in sale at stores in all over Japan on November 6th, 2013. This is the new start for Yuki Shinozuka.

“Originally, I was working as a singer-songwriter for a long time; singing, writing, and making music. Recently, I have earned more opportunities to sing jazz, but I would like to start singing my own songs again. I actually don’t know what kind of music will come out of me; I am a freestyle singer. My heart is jazz. I don’t think we need genre of music; good music is good, and that’s what I want to create. To all who love music, I would love to deliver my music.” —Yuki Shinozuka

You tube→

2013/11  シンガープロ12月号掲載 

2013/11/18 (MON)  新潟日報芸能欄掲載

2013/11/25 (MON)  千葉毎日新聞掲載

2013/12/07 (SAT) 読売新聞掲載

2013/12 Jazz & music magazine "The Walker's"  Vol.35" 掲載

2014/1  CDジャーナル1月号掲載

2015年1月 日本テレビ「ヒルナンデス」出演


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